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Are You Lacking in Vitamin D?

Are You Lacking in Vitamin D?

Did you know that 90% of your Vitamin D requirement must come from the sun and that low levels are linked to seasonal affective disorder, poor immune health and tiredness.
A survey by Pharma Nord shows that one third of UK adults spend less than 1 hour outdoors everyday, and more than 50% less than 2 hours.
Yet another reason to get on your boots and take a walk, boosting your Vitamin D levels, and allowing your brain time to think without digital distraction. Problems often worrying you or negative emotions can often be solved or defused with a brisk walk along with the added benefits of weight bearing exercise so important in our very sedentary lifestyle.
As the mornings get lighter why not set the alarm 30 minutes earlier and take advantage of the quiet time of the day to think and plan and notice nature unfolding around you. Check out a sunrise near you !

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