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stress Tag

“Skipping isn't good for the bladder is it?” my friend only half joked with me at the gym mirrors today after our circuits class. Various nods around me from the older ladies, (all mums), made me bold in saying “well you know Physio can help...

Urinary or stress incontinence is incredibly common across the world. And you don't have to suffer. Our Women's Health Physio Tara Lawson is very  qualified to talk with you. Not only a Physiotherapist but a mother herself. She understands the embarrassment and will advise and treat...

Forget giving up the booze or meat for January the one thing that will undoubtedly make your wellbeing, your relationships, your entire life better is to STOP whinging, moaning, criticising, complaining and angry language. When you indulge in any of the above your words spread like...

Do you love the Christmas Carol, Silent Night? The words are so peaceful and it's so calming to sing. It can't be rushed and the length of the notes are soothing. If you are feeling stressed and rather rushed this time of year, perhaps you...

“Skipping isn't good for the bladder is it?” my friend only half joked with me at the gym mirrors today after our circuits class. Various nods around me from the older ladies, (all mums), made me bold in saying “well you know Physio can help...