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Why We All Need “Peace On Earth and Goodwill to All Men”

Why We All Need “Peace On Earth and Goodwill to All Men”

As the wonderful day of celebration of Jesus’s birth draws near, I truly hope and pray you will find time to have some peace to yourself. A time to remember why we put ourselves through such stress each year.

Most of us will have the money to give gifts to family with love in our hearts. Most of us will be able to share a fabulous meal together with loved ones and if you are one of these, then we are blessed and I hope we will be able to share our good fortune with others.

Sometimes this may only be a smile to a harassed shop assistant or a heart felt thank you to someone who holds a door open for you. An extra tin in the food bank basket or a coin in the collection buckets by a Christmas tree.

Practicing goodwill to others is not easy when the ‘to do’ list seems so long, but I promise you that if you ‘fake it’ you will ‘make it’. Backed up by research, giving to others, helps you live longer, feel happier and releases endorphins (happy hormones) in the brain. Giving to others makes us happier than receiving gifts ourselves. What’s not to like?

So the 25th of December celebrates the birth of the Prince of Peace. And if you are stressed, spare a thought for a teenage girl who was giving birth in a filthy stable to the Son of God, with only a man on hand to help!

May I wish all our patients and clients a wonderful day filled with happiness, love and a quiet moment of reflection too.

Jeannette Warr

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