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Back Pain Tag

Back pain is one of the most common diagnoses treated by physiotherapists.  The complex shape and structure of the joints in the spine dictate how our backs are able to move.  Planes of movements and the degrees of normal motion at each joint are studied...

What is Sciatica?  'Sciatica' is an umbrella term describing radiating pain that can span from your lower back down to the top of your calf. It is an irritation of the long nerve that runs between your hamstrings and has many possible causes including back injury,...

Glorious autumn colour brings a smile to most people with a heart. Crunching through golden and red leaves is a joy remembered from childhood. Before the onset of true winter, plan in a wander this weekend through this glorious landscape and do your body and...

Are you asking your body to cope with long hours at a computer? Evolution has not yet caught up with the demands and our Physiotherapists see so many  computer related injuries here. Many could be prevented by doing a few simple exercises every hour. Simply getting up and walking...

 Here's How to Help Yourself Initially   If you have any of the following symptoms, you should seek medical attention from a doctor immediately: Loss of feeling in the groin region or inner thighs, bowel or bladder disturbances, profound weakness in the legs If the pain...